Generally people contact us by email before purchasing this service. The information below is give you a idea of the process involved, please contact by email before purchasing. john@vtune.us
BMW has come out with a reflash update for their newer cars that will prevent OBD programming. Toyota now has this same update for the A90 Supra.
This service will enable OBD programming.
How it works
This service requires us to plug directly into the ECU/DME for the unlock or downgrade.
If you are not local you will need to ship us the ECU/DME.
We will ship the ECM/DME back to you using FedEx Priority Overnight at no additional cost.
The latest dealer flash gets patched to enable OBD programming.
A EcuTek Programming License is put on the ECU/DME at the time of the UNLOCK.
We can NOT easily use a license that was sold to you by another tuner.
(We can offer discounts for other tuners/shops that require this service)
BM3 & MHDECU/DME gets downgraded to enable OBD programming.
You will need to contact BM3 support to reset your account so their software will recognize the changed ECU Version.